by Jared Gianquinto | News
A lot of people ask me about permanent retainers in Bakersfield. Nothing is permanent, so we prefer to call them “Fixed” retainers. At first glance, retainers cemented to your teeth may seem like a great idea. But at Ortho Arts, we prefer to use Jared Gianquinto | News
What’s the cost of braces in Bakersfield, CA? If you’re curious, that’s totally understandable. Many people start by figuring out the cost expectations to get their ideal smile. Fees in our office range from $2700 to over $8000. Our average fee for braces Jared Gianquinto | News
How would you feel if you went to a teacher parent conference and never actually talked to your child’s teacher? Maybe you talked to the office staff, the lunch team, and the custodian, but your child’s homeroom teacher never even showed up. Well, think of Jared Gianquinto | News, Pediatric Orthodontics, Treatment Advancements
What is Cone Beam 3D Imaging? Traditionally, orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning has been done with 2-dimensional imaging using a panoramic x-ray, generally showing what teeth are present and where they are, and a cephalometric x-ray, which is a side view...