Beyond Invisalign: In-House Aligners
Beyond Invisalign: In-House Aligners
Benefits of Clear Aligners
Clear aligner systems like Invisalign are a fantastic option for people who feel self-conscious about wearing braces. Clear aligners straighten your teeth while being comfortable and practically invisible.
Since clear aligners are removable, you won’t have any restrictions on what you can eat. Simply remove your aligners when you eat. It’s also much easier to keep your teeth clean. Just remove them when you brush & floss.
Invisalign is the most well-known brand of clear aligners, but they are not unique. They are simply one of many manufacturers that make clear aligners.
Patients we treat with our custom clear aligners generally finish treatment 3–4 months faster than they would with Invisalign. Here’s why…
There are huge downsides to relying on companies like Invisalign to make your clear aligners. We completely avoid those downsides by creating our own custom clear aligners using 3D printing technology.
Dr. G has complete control over your treatment plan. Your orthodontist is the best person to design your treatment plan. They have first-hand knowledge of your unique situation, and the expertise to design a treatment plan that is completely customized to solve your specific issues.
Invisalign takes control away from your orthodontist by outsourcing the customization of the aligners to overseas technicians who will never see you in person. These technicians usually have a background in 3D animation rather than orthodontics! They’re not qualified to design an effective treatment plan.
By creating our own custom clear aligners, we place the control back in Dr. G’s expert hands. That leads to more effective treatment and a shorter treatment time.
More Accurate Customization = Better Results
Our custom clear aligners can be created according to Dr. G’s exact specs with much better accuracy than Invisalign. For patients who want the shortest treatment time possible, Dr. G can create hybrid treatment plans that use both braces and aligners—which isn’t possible with Invisalign.
We’re also able to do shorter, more minor treatments with clear aligners—which usually isn’t cost-effective with Invisalign. This is great for patients who haven’t been wearing their retainers and need their teeth recorrected.
Start Treatment Sooner, Finish Faster.
Invisalign takes 4–6 weeks to initially create and ship your aligners from overseas. We can have your aligners ready in about 1 week. If you lose or break one of your aligners, Invisalign takes 1–2 weeks to ship a replacement. We can create a replacement in about 1 hour, so you won’t have to put your treatment on hold.
What About At-Home Aligner Services?
Many companies are now offering Do-It-Yourself aligner services. You never see an orthodontist! You simply send in a set of impressions or scans, and they send you a set of aligners.
These programs have far bigger issues than Invisalign… and the results for patients can be disastrous, including:
- Back teeth that no longer close together, which could result in tooth loss
- Nerve damage due to teeth being moved too far, too quickly
- Loose teeth caused by bite changes
- Jaw pain due to misaligned jaws
- Damage to bone and gum tissue
No Orthodontist Visit Means No Accurate Diagnosis
Treatment should never be given without an accurate diagnosis. Since at-home aligner companies never examine you in-person, they cannot accurately diagnose your issues.
It’s not enough to just look at photos and 3D models. A trained specialist needs to be able to examine the gums and bone that support your teeth.
Dr. G always does a comprehensive exam of the teeth, gums, bone, and all supporting structures before recommending treatment. He monitors patients continuously to make adjustments throughout treatment. This is absolutely necessary to ensure that patients are treated safely.
At-home aligner companies cannot do that… so they can’t ensure safe treatment.
“First, Do No Harm”
At-home aligner companies don’t look you in the eyes every 8–10 weeks during regular appointments. They never see the damage they inflict on their patients in person. Their employees are not incentivized to care. They are incentivized to sell aligners.
When the results are harmful, they will often tell you to see an orthodontist to fix the problems caused by the at-home aligners. In many cases, the damage will be irreversible.
You should absolutely stay away from these at-home aligner services.
When you walk into OrthoArts, you will be cared for by a team that is part of your local community. We want you to be thrilled with your new smile when you finish treatment.
Dr. G will take your unique needs into account and create a treatment plan that is best for you.
Beyond Invisalign FAQs
Why should you choose an orthodontic specialist?
Would you want your general physician doing your heart surgery? For most people the answer would be a resounding “NO.” Then why would you have your orthodontics done by anyone other than an orthodontic specialist? Orthodontists have 2–3 years additional training after dental school that enables them to provide their patients with professional, personalized treatments. Straightening teeth is their life! Since teeth, and in many cases the entire facial structure, are permanently changed by orthodontic treatment, it is important that the diagnosis be appropriate and that the treatment be properly completed. The difference is in the results.
Can orthodontics be started while a child still has baby teeth?
Absolutely. Some orthodontic problems are significant enough to require early intervention. However, if a patient is not yet ready for treatment, we will follow that patient’s growth and development until the time is right for treatment to begin.
What is considered an emergency appointment and how are those handled?
If your braces are causing extreme pain or if something breaks, you should call our office immediately. In most cases, we can address these issues over the telephone. If you require an emergency appointment, we will set aside time for you whether we are currently in the office or not. An orthodontic assistant is always only a phone call away, even after hours.
How often should I brush my teeth while in braces?
Braces make oral hygiene a bit trickier. Patients should brush their teeth at least three times each day, once after every meal, but it’s not just the frequency that matters. We focus from the start on teaching proper brushing and flossing techniques. Sometimes we’ll even schedule a separate appointment just to work on keeping your teeth and gums healthy! We also highly recommend use of a Waterpik throughout treatment.
Are there foods I cannot eat while I have braces?
Yes. Once treatment begins, we will go over your instructions and provide a comprehensive list of foods to avoid. Some of those foods include: ice, hard candy, popcorn, and all sticky foods (i.e. caramel and taffy). You can avoid most emergency appointments to repair broken or damaged braces by simply avoiding crunchy and sticky foods, which will lead to a better overall result and getting your braces off quicker!
Do I need to see my family dentist while in braces?
Yes! Regular checkups with your family dentist are important while in braces. In fact, Dr. G usually recommends you see your dentist for cleanings a little more often while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Your family dentist will help determine the intervals between cleanings and watch for cavities while you are in braces.
Do braces hurt?
Generally, braces do not “hurt.” After certain visits, especially the first one, teeth may be sore for a few days. In these situations, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications such as Advil or Aleve can help ease the discomfort. However, after most visits, patients do not really feel any soreness at all! This is in part due to the fact that we use light, continuous forces which results in more comfortable appointments. We often remind our patients, “It doesn’t have to hurt to work!”
Can I drop my child off for an appointment?
For most routine adjustment appointments, the answer is “Yes.” We understand your busy schedule, and we are happy to help you make the most of your time. For certain kinds of appointments, such as putting braces on, taking them off, and surgical procedures, we will need a parent or guardian to be present for the whole visit.
Virtual Consultation
Through a virtual consultation, you can chat with Dr. G from the comfort of your own home, discuss possible care options for your smile, and get answers to all your questions.